Welcome to our website, as a means of online information for convenience in getting service info and other information for our customers. Kramatdjati has been present since 1974 to meet the needs of convenient,safe and reliable transportation. In accordance with our motto "reliable transportation" we will always provide trust and satisfaction to our customers which of course we will continue to improve through the support of a trusted management and operational team.
KramatDjati Jakarta (KDJ) was established in 1994 and we are a transportation company that serving passengers to many destinations In Jawa and Sumatera Islands. KDJ transportation services includes overnight buses, charter buses, Logistics and holiday packages. Transportation is crucial as it support the country development Therefore as a leading bus company, we strive to provide the best transportation that is safe compliance, reliable and of course, best prices.
Vision KD Jakarta To be a realiable and strong transportation company which can improve all the stakeholders welfare.
Mission KD Jakarta 1. Continuously meet the standards of quality assurance,comfort and protection to every stakeholder of the company. 2. Continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the company by making continuous improvements. 3. Continuously explore and innovate to improve the company's progress.
Strategies to achive the company's vision an mission : 1. Comply with the regulation and collaborate with the government for better indonesia. 2. Consumer Oriented. 3. Obtain official permission,certification or recognition from various relevant institutions. 4. Conducting ongoing educatin and training for all employess and partners of the company. 5. Maintain the values and intergrity of the company.
KD Jakarta Company values - 4K 1. Honesty – Straight and Ethical 2. Discipline – high spirit of work and comply with applicable regulations. 3. Creativity – being able to find solutions to every challenge. 4. Reliabililty – provide a sense of security and comfort for all stakeholders and the surrounding community.